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Harp Teachers New Zealand

phone: 021 252 7632

email: robyn@robynsutherland.com


The following is a list of harp teachers in New Zealand

Hire a harp and take lessons with one of these New Zealand harp teachers.

If there is no teacher nearby to you try Skype lessons in the comfort of your own home. Online lessons work very well for learning the harp.

email or phone for more details or with any questions you may have
email: robyn@robynsutherland.com or Ph 021 25 27 632

Auckland harp teachers
Adelaide Xian - Auckland Central - Ph 021 022 61 082 - 02adelaide02@gmail.com
Nicole Leonard - Waterview - ph 021 297 5215 or 09 828 7766 - nicole@waterviewmusic.co.nz - www.waterviewmusic.co.nz
Ingrid Bauer - Te Atatu Peninsula - info@ingridbauer.com - ph 021 0244 5272 - www.ingridbauer.com
Lana Breed - Birkdale - 022 544 1788 - lanabreednz@gmail.com - www.harpstudionz.com - offers lessons in Russian and English
Ina Yoon - Dannemora - harpistina@gmail.com - ph 021 071 7494
Cathie Harrop - Browns Bay - ph 021 116 8428 - cathieharrop@gmail.com
Melody Lin - Browns Bay - ph 021 133 5468 - harpistmelody@yahoo.co.nz
Wendy Mansfield - Absolute beginners of all ages welcome - Te Atatu South
- wendy@breezeharp.co.nz - ph 021 294 5779
Robyn Sutherland - Point Chevalier - ph 021 25 27 632 - robyn@robynsutherland.com- www.robynsutherland.com

Warkworth harp teachers
Becky Swan - Snells Beach - ph 021 277 1800

Whangarei harp teacher
Helen Tong - Tikipunga - ph 021 231 7886

Kerikeri harp teacher
Therese Elder-Wunrow - ph 027 556 6481 - notes@totallyplucked.com

Thames harp teacher
Anna Dunwoodie - harpmad@gmail.com

Tauranga harp teachers
Talitha Brauchli - talithabrauchli@gmail.com

Wellington harp teachers
Yoonseo Shin - ph 027 884 8268 - yoonseoshin00@gmail.com
Karen Jones - ph 022 071 2083 - karen@childrensmusiccentre.com
Tiffany Baker - harp@baker.org - www.tiffanybaker.nz
Lesley Collier - lesleycollier@xtra.co.nz - ph 04 4768688
Michelle Velvin - michelle.velvin@gmail.com - www.michellevelvin.com
Natalia Mann - www.nataliamann.com

Marion Titmuss - ph 07 549 0655 or 021 043 6732 - marion.titmuss@btinternet.com
www.kingsmusic.co.nz - www.therapyharp.com

Nelson harp teachers
Annemieke Harmonie - ph 021 213 9446 or 03 544 5847 - harpandhealing@gmail.com - www.harpandhealing.com
Lizzie Peacock - lizzie@lizziepeacock.co.uk

Christchurch harp teachers
Jo Ying - harpist_joying@hotmail.com - ph 021 126 0144
Danella Redepenning - ph 020 411 99122 - learning.shalom.studio@gmail.com
Nancy Brough - Oaklands / Halswell - nbrough@slingshot.co.nz - www.harpmagic.co.nz
Ning Chiang - harptstudio@gmail.com
Helen Webby - Christchurch and Dunedin - helenwebby@gmail.com - ph 021 664 344 - www.harp.co.nz

Dunedin harp teacher
Helen Webby - Christchurch and Dunedin - helenwebby@gmail.com - ph 021 664 344 - www.harp.co.nz

Bluff harp teacher
Sherry Shelton - cormusic@xtra.co.nz - ph 0274 834 513-

If you teach harp in NZ and would like to be added to the list please get in touch.
email: robyn@robynsutherland.com or phone: 021 252 7632


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page last updated 10th May 2024