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Online Harp Teachers Worldwide

phone: 021 252 7632

email: robyn@robynsutherland.com

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Online harp teachers for your harp lessons

Aedan Macdonnell - Studied harp in Ireland - Taught Amy from Big Bang Theory how to play the harp
Alexandra Perdew - 15 years teaching experience
Angharad James - Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK - Lever or pedal harp
Bedside Harp - online lessons from a specialist in using harp in a healing way.
Cynthia Lynn Douglas - Learn some Arabic harp music (Lebanese, Turkish, Egyptian and Persian music) and and a bit about celtic ornamentaton. Cynthia is also interested in healing harp music.
Harriet Earis - Over 14 years experience as a teacher
Jane Valencia - Forest Halls - interest in harp therapy and bardic harp, plays harp music for meditations and Labyrinth Walks
Jill Rogoff - Sings and plays - has an interest in early music and therapeutic harp
Joanna Jordan - Toronto harpist
Josh Layne - teaches a modified Salzedo technique. Have a look at videos on this page to get an idea of his teaching style.
Karen Marshalsay - Traditional and contemporary Scottish harp - Teaches wire strung harp
Karlinda Caldicott - Teaches from beginners to advanced students - from those who want to use their harp playing in a healing way or if you are interested in becoming professional classical harpist
Laura Hiner - Celtic harp and Folk harp
Lauren Scott - Lauren particularly likes to teach older students who might think they are too old to take up harp playing.
Lea Lyn Bennett - Utah, USA - Specializes in adult beginner students on lever or pedal harp
Lydia Weaver - Columbus - Pedal harp
Megan Kartchner - Burns, Oregon - pedal harp
Robyn Sutherland - Auckland, New Zealand - Beginner lessons, interest in Medieval and Celtic music, encourages creativity in composition and songwriting. Interested in music for healing and as an active form of peaceful relaxation.
Stephanie Bennett - Stephanie teaches intermediate to advanced harpists and is interested in popular music and jazz. There are videos on this page so you can see her teaching style.
Susan Bradley - Monteray County - Interested in harp therapy
Susan Zevenbergen - Celtic harp lessons and a great website! Susan also plays in a harp and flute duo.
Wendy Mansfield - Absolute beginners of all ages welcome - wendy@breezeharp.co.nz
Weiting Shyu - weitingshyu@yahoo.co.nz
Zeynep Oyku - Very in demand teacher in Turkey zeynepoyku1@gmail.com


From one of Robyn's Online students...
Sasha - Waiuku, Auckland

Robyn was a wonderful teacher to my daughter. Being able to hire a harp enabled my daughter to try a new instrument and see if it was the one she wanted to pursue long term before having to make a significant investment in a new instrument. Robyn was a wonderful teacher, patient and had a real raport with my daughter. I particularly appreciated Robyn making online lessons available as we were located a fair distance from Robyn and it enabled us to have lessons on the weeks we couldn't make commutes. I wouldn't hesitate to recommend Robyn to anyone considering pursuing the harp.


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page last updated 5th March 2025